Thursday, 26 April 2012

Do not Try This Diet Method. Weird & Dangerous!

Many people are willing to do everything they can to 'combat' obesity and has the ideal body shape. Some scientists and health experts were competing to create the diet method. However, not everything is safe, even that would be harmful to health. Here are 10 extreme and bizarre diet that you should never do, as quoted from BcLiving.

1. Fletcherism
Fletcherism Diet was developed by Horace Fletcher, an American health experts. The method of chewing the food as much as 100 times per minute, to turn into a liquid or as a dilute slurry. Fletcher claims, the longer a person eats, the less amount of food absorbed. Chewing a maximum of only 30 times. If we have to chew up to 100 times every meal, we'll spend all day just to eat.

2. Paleolitic Diet
This method was created based on the way to eat a human in Paleolithic era, about 2.5 million years ago before the creation of agricultural sciences. At that time, people only eat wild animal meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. This diet does not include whole grains, legumes and dairy products that contain essential nutrients for health.

3. Baby Food Diet
Method of diet by replacing regular food portions to the size of baby food, or eat what is also consumed by infants. Ranging from food in a blender, puree the baby until the baby snack. Nutritional needs of infants and adults are of course different. Perhaps it is to lose weight fast, but baby food can not satisfy the adequacy of fiber, protein, carbohydrates and calcium in adults.

4. Apple Vinegar Diet
Apple cider vinegar is believed to increase metabolism and reduce appetite. This diet suggests the culprit to take 3 teaspoons of apple vinegar before eating. Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic. Drinking it can continuously injure the throat and stomach.

5. Lemon Detox Diet for
Known as the Lemonade Diet or the Maple Syrup Diet, developed by medical experts Stanley Buroughs. This diet is implemented by simply drinking a mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup, chili powder and water for 10 to 40 days. Follow this diet program is very dangerous to blood sugar levels, leading to vitamin deficiencies and loss of muscle tissue.

6. Cabbage Soup Diet
The cabbage soup diet is one of extreme dieting methods. You can lose weight drastically, to only eat as much cabbage soup for 7 days. This diet is definitely not recommended. Removing large amounts of nutrients can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies, as well as damage the beauty of hair, nails and skin.

7. Diet Cookies
Developed by Dr. Sanford Siegal, Cookies Diet is a low-calorie diet that uses a special cookie diet instead of the daily diet. Dieters are required to take 4 to 6 pieces of cookies per day. This diet, you will lack of calories because cookies diet is only able to meet as many as 800 calories per day. That is, the stronger your energy just to chew diet cookies.

8. Liquid Diet
Liquid diet to lose weight as much as 54 pounds in 9 weeks. The trick is only by consuming fluids from broth, juice, pulp diluted to protein drinks, plus a walk on the treadmill three hours a day. Consume only liquids will make the body take the fat and tissues of the body as energy. In fact, the organs can be damaged because it is used for energy for the body to move.

9. Atkins Diet
Atkins diet is a diet low in carbohydrates and high in protein, such as red meat, eggs, fish, and sometimes wheat bran. Diet was launched by Dr. Robert C. Atkins is also a cardiologist at the beginning of the 70s. High protein foods can reduce levels of calcium that causes osteoporosis. Moreover, it also raises the problem of constipation, colon, kidney, or rising cholesterol levels.

10. Tapeworm Diet
Perhaps this is the most extreme diet methods. Tapeworm diet done by eating meat containing tapeworm eggs (which claimed to be sterilized). Worms that can grow along the 9 meter in the human stomach, it will reduce appetite, interfere with the performance of the digestive system and absorption of food nutrients that are believed to lose weight quickly. After reaching the desired weight, should immediately take anti-biotic to kill the worms. Tapeworm causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation and even irritation of the anus.


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