Wednesday, 14 December 2011

10 Types of Diets That Never Succeed

Making the decision to lose weight will result in consequences of psychological, emotional and physical. Various ways dieting finally done. The bad news is, many diet programs that actually detrimental to health and mental stability that makes this type of diet never works.

Recent decades, the habit of losing weight has become a trend. Many ways have been carried out, from drinking juice, eating only grapefruit every meal and even order a draft program of the countless ads.

Some diet programs that claim to lose weight quickly, the method can be unhealthy, and reduced body weight is usually not durable.

"Everyone is looking for the most powerful way for a diet program. The problem is, there are no super foods that really work. There is no diet that is suitable for long-term lifestyle changes," explains John Bock, nutritionist and dietitian at the center of the Integrated Nutrition Therapy in Southern New Jersey.

Here are 10 diet program that will never succeed in diet and nutrition expert John Bock as reported TheDailyMeal, Thursday (15/12/2011):

1. Water Diet
The basis:
Throughout the day, your body needs to drink 64 ounces of pure water in a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius or colder. The idea is the body's need to use energy to heat the water up according to body temperature.

To do so, it takes about 12 calories for every liter of water. So, people who go on a diet of water will naturally burn calories by using the internal energy to heat water.

Why Do not Succeed:
"Theoretically, the science underlying this diet makes sense at the molecular level, but does not make sense at the clinical level. This will not work effectively," explains Bock.

Bock did admit that drinking more water every day to support healthy lifestyles. But the factor of cold water that makes people believe that it is an effective way to lose weight.

More importantly, not everyone can follow this diet. Patients with heart disease, kidney and liver has a storage disorders of fluid and electrolyte imbalance.

2. Chocolate Milk Diet
The basis:
This diet is done by drinking three glasses of 1 percent chocolate milk all day, followed by a healthy diet, the weight will be reduced.

Calcium, vitamin D, increased endurance to exercise more, and a positive relationship between protein by weight, will help users go on a diet without the need to diet again. The combination of protein and carbohydrates will help your metabolism burn fat.

Why Do not Succeed:
"Calcium serves as a driver of metabolism and vitamin D helps the body burn fat, this was all a joke. There is no evidence that vitamin D or calcium will cause weight loss. From a clinical standpoint, does not work," said Bock.

Proteins and carbohydrates found in food is actually used to fill the body 30 minutes after exercise. Although this diet program will trigger a routine exercise, weight loss using this method is almost nothing to do with milk chocolate itself.

3. Low Carbohydrate Diet
The basis:
Basically, the body begins to eat less carbs like fruits and vegetables that contain starch and then replace them with foods rich in protein.

The body breaks down carbohydrates to use as the primary fuel source to produce the glucose that enters the body's cells with the help of insulin.

In theory, insulin prevents the breakdown of fat in the body by allowing the sugar used for energy combustion. Decrease impact on low-carb insulin levels, burn stored fat for energy reserves, and ultimately help you lose excess weight.

Why Do not Succeed:
When it was first coined diet, some people assume that one pound of meat is better than a pound of bread. Carbohydrate intake should be tailored to the needs. For pregnant women, adolescents, and diabetics, beware of this diet.

Monitor levels of carbohydrates is important because it is the main source of energy for the body. Measure should be truly measured by nutrition professionals to ensure a healthy weight loss.

"There are many misconceptions in this diet. The American Dietetic Association recommends that the intake gets 55-60 percent of calories from carbohydrates." Bock said.

4. Paleo Diet
The basis:
The program is based on ancient diet eat wild plants and animals in the Stone Age or Paleolithic. This assumption is based on the principle that people who work prehistoric hunter-gatherers did not suffer from modern diseases due to lack of calories in food.

Why Do not Succeed:
"I love this diet because it promotes whole foods. Scientifically, the body will be very limited consumption of food, so it will lack milk, grains, and nuts, which are a source of important nutrients," said Bock.

5. Chewing Diet
The basis:
This diet is recommended to chew food thoroughly, ie chew each bite 80 times as much, will melt the food. Then, remove the food. In theory, the body will absorb fewer calories but still can enjoy the taste of food.

Why Do not Succeed:
"It could be said bulimia, psychological disorders and form irregular eating habits," said Bock.

Food is chewed too long causing a reluctance to swallow food. Chewing as much as it will also be exhausting, and socially, it is not acceptable. In the end, this way it creates an imbalance of nutrients because the body does not make the absorption of food required.

The body also produces excess stomach acid for digestion anticipate that never carried out, thus causing stomach acid up into the esophagus and damage the teeth rkarena store food too long in the mouth.

6. Baby Food Diet
The basis:
The idea is simple, replace one or two meals daily with 14 bottles of various baby foods and stick to regular food once a day or a few high-calorie snacks.

Consider the quality of selected baby foods. The theory states that part of the brain that regulate jaw will prevent eating too much so we will be content to eat in small portions.

Why Do not Succeed:
"Baby food is not made for adults, so the body will lose important nutrients. Finally, it could lead to disorders of bone density. Although not dangerous, should not be done this way for long-term," said Bock.

Although weight loss may be shrinking, it will not last long unless you eat the baby food until the end of life that can cause problems.

7. 17-Day Diet
The basis:
The diet is not just for 17 days, but three 17-day cycle that regulates carbohydrate intake to maintain metabolic changes. The idea is to change your diet every 17 days before the body memorize eating habits but can keep your metabolism high.

Starting with a low calorie diet, then turns to eat 1,500 calories per day, then the third stage can eat at will over the weekend.

Why Do not Succeed:
The idea that humans can deceive him and spoiled him on the weekends is ridiculous

"First, there is no evidence that it can speed up metabolism, and metabolism is also not possible to deceive. Why not take a little food each day preferably in the portion being? Pamper your body at the weekend to no avail. The body does not know whether it was Tuesday or Saturday night, "said Bock.

8. Cabbage Soup Diet
The basis:
During the week, enjoying a bowl of cabbage soup with a choice of low calorie foods help the body reduce 4.5 kg, but no established guidelines to help manage your weight.

Why Do not Succeed:
"A lot of people who successfully lose weight from this diet because of diarrhea are obtained. The body does not have any calories, and abdominal bloating due to a very strict diet. From the digestive standpoint, this was a disaster from day to day," said Bock.

9. HCG Diet
The basis:
This diet is done intensively for 40 days, with food containing 500 calories consisting of vegetables, fruits and two meals 3.5 ounces of protein with an injection of HCG, a hormone found in pregnant women.

In theory, this method will create the symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea from morning sickness that can help control your appetite. Injections are not the only mode of administration of HCG, but it is believed that the whole method is only useful.

Why Do not Succeed:
"This is a very unsafe method to lose weight. A diet of 500 calories are considered unsafe because of very low calorie and will never be able to meet the needs of the body. Plus, there is no evidence that the hormone helps the body to lose weight," explains Bock .

10. Hallelujah Diet
The basis:
Eat all raw vegetables 85 percent and 15 percent cooked food. Vegetables cooked in natural conditions and mixed vegetables cooked by any who wish to be included in the cuisine.

Why Do not Succeed:
"I'm not a fan of vegan diets, this method is not safe. Most patients should be monitored closely by health professionals as they often become anemic. Eating raw vegetables is not only adversely affects the digestive system because cooked food is more easily absorbed. Also, there is no evidence that more effective than raw vegetables are cooked, "said Bock.


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